Right to be forgotten
On February 1, 2020, the right to be forgotten was introduced for outstanding balance insurance. This right means that an insurer may no longer take that cancer into account when processing your insurance application ten years after successful cancer treatment has ended cos è il diritto all oblio.
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- Balance of credit insurance
- Apply for insurance
- What should you tell?
An insurer may therefore not refuse you insurance on the basis of this right to be forgotten, nor may it charge additional premiums on the basis of that cancer. You will still have to state your cancer in the medical questionnaire when applying for outstanding balance insurance.
“The end of successful treatment” means: the end date of the active cancer treatment, without recurrence, with surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy performed in a recognized facility, without necessary additional treatment, with the exception of possible continued treatment of the hormone therapy type.
Ten years ago or less
Since 1 April 2020, the right to be forgotten applies to certain cancers that is shorter than ten years, for example in certain types of testicular cancer, breast cancer or cervical cancer. For other cancers, for example certain types of leukemia or prostate cancer, you will also have to report the cancer from the past and you will then be eligible for insurance under certain standard conditions.
For this purpose, the insurance companies will use a so-called ‘ reference grid’ with clinical pictures and access conditions. The general right to be forgotten and the grid reference will apply to all newly entered into outstanding balance insurance contracts oblio immagini.
What about existing contracts?
If you already have outstanding balance insurance and want to make use of this ‘right to be forgotten’, you can cancel your existing insurance contract and take out a new one. In that case, check in your insurance contract how to do this correctly. If you already have outstanding balance insurance and want to make use of the ‘right to be forgotten’, you can cancel your existing contract and take out a new one.
Keep the following things in mind, however:
- Avoid being left without insurance: first have a simulation made of the price of a new outstanding balance insurance with your current insurer and/or with other insurers before you cancel your current insurance contract. This way you know whether it is worth canceling your current insurance contract.
- Check whether taking out outstanding balance insurance with an insurer other than the one linked to the bank where you took out your loan does not have a negative effect on the rate of your loan. The condition for a more favorable percentage with the loan is often stated that you take out your outstanding balance insurance (and possibly also your fire insurance) with the insurer put forward by the bank.
- If you paid your insurance premium in one go, you may be entitled to a refund of the remainder of your outstanding balance insurance premium. If you have contributed your outstanding balance insurance for tax purposes for a tax reduction, the part that you have already contributed incorrectly will be taxed at 33% + the municipal tax.
In case of disputes concerning the application of the right to be forgotten, the Follow-up Office for the pricing is authorized to give a non-binding advice. In the event of persistent disagreement, the matter may also be brought to court.
From when
The general term of ten years for all cancers applies to all new outstanding balance insurance policies since February 1, 2020. The shorter terms from the schedule apply to all new outstanding balance insurance policies since April 1, 2020.
Also read: sharenting
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